Basic Info.
Outdoor Gear, Packaging, Agriculture, Shipping, Security, Decoration, Garment, Chinese Knot
ISO9001: 2000
Green, White, Red, etc
Transport Package
in Bags
Product Description Description
Product Parameters
Installation Instructions
Packed, compressed and packed in woven bags
Our Advantages
The company is located in Hefei, Anhui, China. Convenient transportation, it is a company specializing in the production of fishing nets, sun nets, insect nets, nylon ropes, safety ropes, dense mesh nets, dust nets, lawn nets and other products. The product range is complete and the price is reasonable.
The company is based on a brand new management model, complete technology, thoughtful service, and excellent quality. We always adhere to the principle of customer first, serve customers wholeheartedly, and impress them with our own services. We have gained recognition in the industry for our honest management, strength, and product quality.
The company always adheres to the corporate spirit of down-to-earth work, hard work, and the courage to take responsibility, and creates a good business environment with the business philosophy of integrity and win-win.
Our goal is to provide customers with high-quality products, reliable services, and support, and to become the preferred supplier of high-quality commercial products.
After Sales Service
****** Your Warranty is secured and guaranteed ******
We guarantee to provide brand-new high-quality Products with
REAL SPECIFICATIONS, e.g. Material Size, UV Block Level, and Waterproof Level.
*** Our aggressive pricing allows us to distribute only the best Products ensuring you receive the best-performing products available ***
Any more questions about our Products? Please feel free to contact us.
We continually strive to update and improve our product line. If there is anything that you are trying to find, or if you need help to find the right products, please feel free to contact us.
1. Q: Waht's the Trade Term if we Purchse?
A: FOB, CFR, CIF, DDP(Door To Door), EXW Available
2. Q: What's the MOQ?
A: If for our Stock, no MOQ; If OEM, depends on the material which you need(Normally 1-3Tons).
3. Q: What's the Lead Time for mass production?
A: Around 20-30 days for delivery, if you need earlier, please discuss with us.
4. Q: May I get the sample?
A: Yes, we could offer sample free of charge if we got stock in hand; while for first-time cooperation, need your side payment for the express cost.
5. Q: What's the Port of Departure?
A: Qingdao Port is for your first choice, other ports(Like Shanghai, Guangzhou) available too.
6. Q: Could you receive RMB currency?
A: Yes, We are a Factory with exportation right, so we can receive not only USD$ but also RMB from foreign countries or local China.
7. Q: May I customize per our needing size?
A: Yes, welcome for customization, if no need OEM, we could offer our common sizes for your
Hefei, Anhui, China
Business Type:
Business Range:
Light Industry & Daily Use, Security & Protection, Textile
Company Introduction:
Liucheng Textile Co., Ltd. Specializes in the production of various plastic net products, such as sunscreen net, insect net, hail net, construction protection net, fishing net, etc., mainly used in agriculture, construction industry and fishery. Product advantages: With 18 years of production experience, all products are made of new HDPE raw materials plus UV ratio, ensuring service life and anti-aging, strong tension, reliable product quality and complete specifications. Among them, fishing nets include polyethylene material fishing nets, nylon material fishing nets and other fishing nets of various material specifications. The company provides a variety of products to meet your various needs. Since its establishment, the company has always adhered to the business philosophy of "quality first, customer first, reputation first", and has always strived to meet the potential needs of customers. With the continuous development of economic globalization, our company is sincerely willing to cooperate with enterprises around the world to achieve win-win results.